Tuesday, July 8, 2014

I, for one, am optimistic about Episode VII.

So, Kevin Smith recently had a really good time on-set with Mr. Abrams.  This is pretty encouraging, given how willing he is to share how he really feels.

Really, go ahead and hit up the article, I'll wait...

The prospect of seeing a very practical approach to world-building for the new stories is pretty darn exciting.  The purists will see it as a tribute to the original trilogy's approach (though the original storytellers really didn't have much of a choice), and it adds the benefit of countering one of the biggest points of contention from Episodes I-III: green screen.

Obvious joke is obvious.

Smith gets emotional about the whole "tactile world" bit, and I think that's a great sign of how things are coming along.  So, yes, the prequels were a step in the wrong direction for the franchise, but we'll take it because it helped rush along visual effects and gave us reason to question whether or not Lucas was really a good choice for captain of this ship.

We'll see, but here's to optimism and checking this article out in a couple of years...