Tuesday, October 2, 2012


So, lately, my roommate and I started back in WoW, leveling together like we did when we started the game.  It's funny, what changes and what doesn't.

There's no going back to wide-eyed ignorance, once you've learned the world of MMOs.  Once you've got a handle on it, you can't ignore the obvious patterns and you certainly can't help but know what's coming.  It's not a bad thing.

One thing I did notice early in the new content was that WoW's designers are doing the healthy thing and borrowing from other MMOs (coughTORcough) and upping the immersion and voice acting.  It still all fits in their typical feel, but they're taking the extra time to do a bit more work on sound and story.  It's nice.  Holy crap it was necessary.

...I'll have to get back to y'all later, but I just thought I'd take a minute to say that it's nice seeing people in the industry not shying away from copying what works elsewhere and applying it to their own model.  It's healthy.

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