Friday, July 20, 2012

TDKR: Spoiler-free!

Went to the midnight premiere, worst thing that happened was some teenagers regurgitating reality tv dialogue...or maybe that's just how they talk nowadays?  Anyway, it was a damn good time.  More after the jump.

It's a long movie.  Accept that, plan ahead, be prepared.  It pushed 3 hours easily, and I promise that you won't mind in the slightest.  The pacing felt reasonable, the characters were interesting, and I can't wait to get home from work and download the damn soundtrack.

Since this is the spoiler-free post, I'm kind of limited...suffice to say that it lives up to the expectations from its predecessors, though you should be aware that The Dark Knight had a lot of its eggs in the Joker basket, and this one's a bit more evenly spread.

Regarding spoilers, without actually spoiling: sometimes, you read speculation on the internet...and, sometimes, you dismiss it out of hand.  Don't make a habit of this, because I did and that turned out to be a mistake on my part.  The more you know!

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